Hi, Ralph, I Essa,
I trust you are all fine. It is cold here and people are having flu.
My financial situation did not improve and so as it was combined in June I should come back to you to continue with the same process.
The president of Angola Union spoke to me and said Angola needs me in Angola to teach at our University in Huambo 60 km from Bongo Mission Station, while plans are laid to rebuild the place. He spoke to the Division president and both of us accepted. It was diceided that in January my family and I are going back to Angola to teach. They send the call action to the Division for approval So your investiment toward my studies for the advancemnt of the work in Angola is being paid off. From 30 September to 3 October together with some personal from GCand Division we are going to Blomfontain to give a training seminar to lay people. I was asked to speak about How to teach basic doctrines. This assingment was given to due to your investiment toward my studies. May God be praised and blessed all of you abundantly for the advancement of His work so that His work may be finished and go to our eternal Home when He comes to fetch us.
Greetings to the families, brothers and sisters in Christ, not forggeting to pray for my new appointment in Angola as from January 2010 and for the seminar that we are going to conducat soon.
Yours in Christ
Hyvä Ralf, Esa
Uskon että teillä on kaikki hyvin, Täälä on kylmää ja ihmisillä flunssa. Taloudellinen tilanteeni ei ole parantunut ja kuten sovimme kesäkuussa lhestyn sinua että voisimme jatkaa kuten ennen.
Angolan unionin esimies oli yhteydessä minuun ja kertoi että Angola tarvitsee minua opetustehtäviin Huambon yliopistossa jälleenrakennusuunnitelmien aikan. Yliopisto sijaitsee 60 km Bongon lähetysasemalta.
The president of Angola Union spoke to me and said Angola needs me in Angola to teach at our University in Huambo 60 km from Bongo Mission Station, while plans are laid to rebuild the place.Hän keskusteli asiasta osaston esimiehen kanssa ja mollemat hyväksyivät sen. Päätettiin että minä lähden perheineni tammikuussaAngolaan opetustehtäviin.Osastoo on lähetetty kutsu asiasta.
So your investiment toward my studies for the advancemnt of the work in Angola is being paid off. From 30 September to 3 October together with some personal from GCand Division we are going to Blomfontain to give a training seminar to lay people. I was asked to speak about How to teach basic doctrines. This assingment was given to due to your investiment toward my studies. May God be praised and blessed all of you abundantly for the advancement of His work so that His work may be finished and go to our eternal Home when He comes to fetch us.